parents and daughter (7-9) with estate agent observing new property

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Leaves on a Stem Illustration

Supporting and empowering temporarily displaced families one night at a time.


john 14:2-3

‘...let not your heart be troubled...’

- Jesus -

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Our Story

Our family was unjustly forced from our rented home of six years. Nothing could have prepared us for the "adventure" that was ahead of us. It started out easy but it got pretty rough, pretty fast.

In the midst of it all, I kept asking the Lord, why are we here?

I was shocked to say the least, when I discovered how many of God's children were "out of place" without a home of their own.

I encountered several believers in Christ who were all going through the same thing. It seemed unreal to me, that we could all be experiencing the same thing at the same time.

One night, as we pondered where our "next payment" would come from, a friend of ours donated her "hotel points" for us to be able to stay in a room for a couple more nights.

At about 2 A.M., in a quiet commune with the Lord, this thought came to mind, "just one night", we just needed one night at a time, and just like that, the download for JUST ONE NIGHT was deposited the details came so quickly, and here we are.

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Leaves on a Stem Illustration

Danet fuller

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Leaves on a Stem Illustration

The supporting scripture is John 14: 1-3 and it reads in part: "Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me, in my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Just One Night is a branch of Overcome the World International Ministries Inc., We know that the experience of homelessness can be overwhelming and that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to overcome the challenges it presents.

We also know that God absolutely gets all the glory for every good thing that comes out of our experience.

With the right support and resources, it is possible to expand your life and regain your independence.

As a family, our own experience has brought us to a place of compassion and determined action, not just for ourselves but to help someone else, by the grace of God, as they go through their journey.

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Leaves on a Stem Illustration

We provide firsthand financial, spiritual, and emotional, support, knowledge, and experience to help others who are facing the challenges we've been through.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to empower and assist someone you know who is struggling with chronic homelessness, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to help and we appreciate all the support.

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Danet fuller

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Leaves on a Stem Illustration

three things to know when starting your homeless journey

  • Wisdom is the principal thing

  • Denial leads to Disaster

  • Frugality is key

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Religious: Proverbs Bible scripture about Wisdom with eye glasses



Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom...Proverbs 4:7-9

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I entered a realm I had unconsciously dreaded for a significant period. The ongoing struggle to establish a stable home and the possibility of homelessness had persistently posed a challenge.

I found myself thinking about my mom and dad their struggles with remaining consistent in our housing situation. Although I could not realistically grasp my mom’s feelings at the time, I now found myself able to empathize with her experience during my childhood.

A crucial aspect of myself that needed to perish was PRIDE, and overcoming this proved to be an arduous task.

Initially, I entered the realm of the homeless with an air of arrogance, disdainful of those I deemed less than myself because they engaged in what I considered to be ungodly or worldly behaviors. Consequently, I kept to myself, casting judgment on others.

What initially seemed like a few weeks of inconvenience for our family stretched into uncertain months with no quick end in sight. Pride gradually eroded as I cried out to God, bewildered by the surrounding circumstances.

In the midst of it all, I found myself in a community that blended what I called sinners and saints. Perplexed by the financial similarities among us, I questioned the reasons for our shared circumstances.


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One afternoon, I sat in the lobby of the hotel, an unusual place for me given my preconceived notions about the area and its residents. As I logged into my computer, the girl at the front desk surprised me by returning my misplaced glasses, which I had left in the laundry exchange bag. She had preserved them behind the desk, wrapped in tissue and as she handed me the glasses, in that moment, it hit me - she knew me, and she had taken the initiative to return the glasses with kindness.

This incident shattered my misconceptions about her character. It dawned on me that her personal choices, whether I considered them sinful or righteous, were irrelevant.

The spirit of pride and scorn could not abide in me any longer, if it is that Christ is in me. What truly mattered was, she was a human being on whom I passed judgement, and that was not of God. For that, I repented and allowed my heart to be healed.



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denial leads to disaster shall thy poverty come like one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man...Proverbs 6:11

Religious: Proverbs Bible scripture about Wisdom with eye glasses

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MY CHILDREN SHALL NEVER SUFFER...this was an unwritten, unspoken law in my heart and mind. My entire life, from the birth of my first child, I set out on an unrealistic goal to ensure that they never suffer.

The Lord had already taught me that I am not to prevent their suffering and that their testimonies were his to write. Nevertheless here I was again, trying to make sure that they do not suffer in this situation.

My denial would prove to be a disaster down the road as the reality of what we were going through eventually set in.

  • The first and most important thing that you can do for your self and your family in this situation is tell the truth. Tell the truth to yourself, your spouse and most of all to the children.

This is where I failed. I was in no way shape or form prepared for this journey that I was embarking on and so I refused to look at the reality of what had to be done.

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I broke the news gently to the children about moving. I started prepping them about a few weeks before but I played it off as if it was a far ways off, when in reality it was closer than they could imagine and that I was willing to admit.

My denial painted a picture of temporary “vacation mode” and then after a few days we would be back in a home somewhere and all would be well. All this time the “H” word never came out of my mouth. There was no way I would actually tell my children they we were homeless, but WE WERE.

The disaster came, when the perceived vacation days were winding down and we again had to move.

I had booked an Air BnB for us for the first ten days and now we had to move and go to another one. The Hotel bomb had not yet hit me yet, after all, I was still in “denial mode”. We spent every penny to stay in Air BnB trying to keep up the idea of a “home” and preventing their suffering. But inside I was dying.

We would encounter two more Air BnB before eventually moving into a hotel. And so the adventure continued.

A little sleep a little slumber a little folding of my hands to sleep and so my poverty came...Proverbs 6:10-11

  • Denial and procrastination are dangerous to the new homeless person. The quicker you acknowledge your situation, the more wisdom you will have to deal with what is coming your way.

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the book of 1 Corinthians Reading The New International Version


frugality is key

1 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

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Frugality as a natural element of struggling was not on my agenda. But as our adventure progressed I came to recognize our natural ability to be frugal in our spending and be satisfied.

We Learned that we did not need to buy as much food as we did when we had extra money because when there was little to no money, we made it work.

We maintained a storage bill because we absolutely had to have our “things” when they were all sold out from under us we learned to live without them, thus eliminating the storage bill.

I did not learn to become frugal, my frugality was activated as a result of the struggle.

  • At the end of the day I have learned to be content in what ever state I’m in.

Philippians 4:11

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checklist to help you navigate

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Green Check

Pray for the peace of God which passes all your understanding to keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus

Set apart a day to have a family discussion and tell every one the truth of what is happenning.

Humble yourself unto God and ask him to deliver you from pride and scorn

Add what you need to do in the following spaces

Woman Working with a Laptop


stories along the way


Remmy’s story began as a love story and got pretty dark, pretty fast, the temporary and current result is her living in a shelter, and struggling to survive.

Prior to the shelter, she navigated the dark streets of the city by riding the train.

The late night train ticket gave her access to the train station where she could sit a “fall asleep” until her train was ready to leave.

The ride would be short but it allowed her sleep time on the moving train and a round trip back to where she started would bring her into the “safe “ dawn of a new day, then she would start over again.

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I call him Jesus Guy,

I never knew his name, but he stayed at my job and as I walked by I heard him praying one morning and calling on the name of Jesus on behalf of his family.

His wife was sick and she lost her job. They could no longer afford their home, so there they were, with one autistic son and one high school student living in the extended stay.

I was surprised at the presence of believers in the realm of homelessness.

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join the move

Make a commitment

Interior of a Modern Bedroom

We are committed to making a real difference in the lives of those facing homelessness. Our family-based initiative,

Just One Night, provides urgent support by paying for hotel rooms for homeless families when it's needed most. With our experience and expertise, we're working towards a future where homelessness is a thing of the past because in our Father’s house are many mansions.

the starting points

One night, as we pondered where our "next payment" would come from, a friend of ours donated her "hotel points" for us to be able to stay in a room for a couple more nights.

At about 2 A.M., in a quiet commune with the Lord, this thought came to mind, "just one night", we just needed one night at a time, and just like that, the download for JUST ONE NIGHT 1423 was deposited everything came so quickly, and here we are.

Woman in Casual Shirt and Shorts

you are appriciateD

We provide firsthand financial, spiritual, and emotional, support, knowledge, and experience to help others who are facing the challenges we've been through.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to empower and assist someone you know who is struggling with chronic homelessness, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to help and we appreciate all the support.

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places we stayed






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Extended Stay America - Sanford and Lake mAry

Candlewood Suites - Lake Mary

la quinta - lake mary

Homewood Suites - Lake Mary

marriot bonvoy - altamonte springs

woods springs suites - sanford

budget inn - sanford

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tune into my podcast for indept details of all these places

a huge thank you to our friends who helped us along this journey - may the lord continue to bless you all

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thank you

for reading!

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Leaves on a Stem Illustration
Leaves on a Stem Illustration

Danet Fuller

Leaves on a Stem Illustration